Some time for unknown reason or the license have been destroyed, there will be some residual information in license manager.
Please follow the steps as below to delete it.
1) Use the same license code to re-activate it. In most case, the destroyed license information will be re-link again.
2) If Step 1) don't work, please download the attached file.
3) Decompress the file.
4) Launch " Command prompt"

5) Change the work directory to where we store the tool with "cd" + space + file directory
e.g. We put the tool in desktop, we input "cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\appactutil_delete" in command prompt

6) input "appactutil.exe -view" to search what license is using

7) Copy the license that you want to delete
8) input "appactutil.exe –delete XXX" to delete the unnecessary license information.
Note: "XXX" means the license that you want to delete