The physical attribute function allows the users to select different calculation source of the physical attribute and customize the modification.

The difference of four different sources will be introduced, as shown in figure 1.


Figure1. Source option of physical attributes

Here we divide them into two groups to make a comparison.

“All” VS “Only part”

  1. “All” means that all objects in activated part/assembly will be calculated, including shapes, parts inserted as components, and all shapes and parts of sub-assemblies.
  2. “Only part” excludes the shapes directly created in assembly/sub-assembly. The calculation only take in the part objects from all components.


Figure 2. Comparison between “All” and “Only part”

Let’s take an assembly case, which has four shapes, two components (A plane and Top plane) and a sub-assembly with one shape and three components, as shown in figure 3.

For a clear comparison, all shapes are displayed in dark grey.


Figure 3. An assembly case1

 “All in current”--- all objects will be calculated with the current status.

 “Only part in current”--- the dark grey shapes will not be calculated.

Figure 4.  “All” VS “Only part”

“In current” VS “From origin”

  1. “In current” means the system calculate the physical attribute of models with their current status.
  2. “From origin” means the original data of the models will be used to get the result.

Let’s take an example combine with “Assembly cut” function.

Figure 5.  An assembly case2

Refer to the image below to make an assembly cut operation. Make sure “propagate feature to components” is unchecked.


Figure 6.   Assembly cut

After that, the top plane part will have the different status between the assembly environment and part environment.


 Figure 7.   Different status between part and assembly environment

All in current” --- all objects will be calculated with the current status. It means that top plane shape with its assembly status is calculated.


Figure 8. All in current

All from origin” --- all objects will be calculated with the origin data. It means that top plane shape with its part status is calculated.


Figure 9. All from origin

According to the above instructions, we can understand the difference of the “All” and “Only part”, “in current” and “from origin”. So the user can infer the meaning of each different calculation scopes.


Figure 10. Different calculation scopes

These four types of sources can be used in different application. Chose the suitable one to calculate the physical attribute according to real requirement.